She is reorganizing your house (and your head).

    An assistant to celebrities in the past, Tori Taylor is now a home organizer, a very trendy profession in Los Angeles where she lives, which is timidly beginning to seduce France.


    “10 Tips For Busy Entrepreneurs Who Want To Organize Their Work From Home and Travel Lives” by NJ Goldston​

    Advice from organization and design experts Tori Springer and Lisa Adams for women entrepreneurs balancing the demands of working remotely.


    Tori gives an inside look at the type of clientele Simply Simplify services and what the average day looks like in the life of a professional organizer to the stars.


    “Pity the clutter fish, swimming through life disorganized and overwhelmed.Tori Springer could reel it in. A former personal assistant to the stars (sorry, we can’t reveal who), she founded her company, simply simplify, to help regular folk drown out the chaos.After a consult to determine your needs (room organization, keepsake cataloging, moving, or personal shopping), she dives in, her trusty label maker in tow. Springer coordinates closets by color, season, hem and sleeve lengths. Honest but never critical, she combs through your wardrobe to determine which pieces sink and swim, then carts unwanted wears off to “Dress for Success”. And she makes a splash in the home office, devising filing systems and optimizing work space…”

  • CBS

    “A former celebrity personal assistant, Tori has helped organize everything in people’s lives and does it with ease and great discretion. Services include room-by-room organizing services, keepsakes, preparation for baby, DVD catalogs, recipe organization, and fashion and wardrobe consulting. Tori has impeccable references including some A list entertainment clients.”

  • HUFFINGTON POST Best of Los Angeles

    Tori Springer of simply simplify — In the words of Thoreau, “Simply Simplify” and you begin to live your life… Tori is an up-and-coming star to the scene and it’s no wonder why. In this day and age organization is key to time efficiency. Read her blog to take control of your life and peace in your home…


    Tori Springer, creator of Simply Simplify showed us some great products to help you get organized for 2013. From drawer clutter to important document filing, Tori has some great suggestions to start the year off right.